Tag: fullstackdevelopment

  • How to implement Aspect Oriented Programming in Spring Boot?

    In your web app , Often you need to implement certain logic which is common across different parts of your application. Like purely technical aspects like logging , security etc. You don’t want to repeat this logic in each part of the code. And you also don’t want to clutter your code by including logic…

  • Day 100 – Wrapping It Up

    Feeling a sense of relief, today is the 100th day of another 100 day project : Post one technical post per day for 100 days. On the third day after lockdown was announced in Tamilnadu, I started working on this idea. This has kept my mind occupied. I have stopped following news about corona spread…

  • How to build Immediately Invoked Function Expressions in Javascript?

    While I was exploring how to retrieve results from an asynchronous function in Angular , I stumbled upon a solution where the developer had used IIFE to retrieve the result : It looked like this : This was confusing at first. But after exploring IIFE the above code made sense. First lets deep dive into…

  • How to check user inactivity in Angular?

    Lets say you want to alert the user if they remain inactive for a long time. Or you want to log the user out if they are inactive for a long time. How can you do that in angular? The below algorithm can be followed to achieve that: STEP 1: Define user inactivity : User…

  • How to update a pouch db document through Angular?

    I start this post assuming you know how to integrate pouch db with angular . If not please refer this post : (How to integrate pouch db with angular?) Once pouch db is integrated you might want to update documents into pouch db through Angular . Here is how to do it: Step 1: Retrieve…

  • How to search documents in Pouch DB through Angular, based on specific field?

    Through Mango queries. Pouch DB supports the feature of querying documents based on field values through a separate plugin and calls this feature as ‘Mango queries’. So the first step to avail this feature is to install it : Assumption : you have already installed pouch db and able to save documents( Refer : https://fullstackdeveloper.guru/2020/03/21/how-to-integrate-pouch-db-with-angular/)…