Tag: apache kafka

  • How to implement Change Data Capture (CDC) using Debezium?

    How to implement Change Data Capture (CDC) using Debezium?

    Let’s say you have created an application which writes some data to the database. And you want to track all operations done on the database. How can you do this without blocking the user in a non intrusive way? And that too without adding any extra code to the application? CDC (Change Data Capture) is…

  • How to send and receive events through Apache Kafka in Spring Boot?

    Traditionally we have been storing data in database tables. A database row in a table represents the “current state” of an object. And so this is “state driven” programming. This has been serving well for us for decades. It is even a bit inconceivable to think of any other way to store data. But there…

  • How to install and set up Apache Kafka on Windows 10?

    Go to Apache kafka Website (https://kafka.apache.org/downloads) On clicking on download button you will be shown the below page: Click on any one of the binary downloads. You will be redirected to another page: Click on the link below HTTP header: A .tgz zipped file will be downloaded. Unzip this file by opening the command prompt…