Month: March 2020

  • How to communicate between angular components through a shared service?

    In the previous post I showed how to interact between angular components using @Input and @Output annotations. A parent component can pass data to child component using @Input annotation. A child component can emit an event (with data if required) to parent using @Output annotation The link is here : How do components communicate in…

  • How do components communicate in Angular and how to use @Input and @Output annotations?

    There are five ways through which angular components can communicate with each other : Through @Input annotation Through @Output annotation Using local template reference. Using services Using @ViewChild annotation Lets look at @Input and @Output annotation use cases in this post. @Input annotation Say in one component you have a list of items. You create…

  • What are the new features in Java 14 that a day to day Java developer should know?

    There are about 16 changes introduced in Java 14. Not all of them need to be known for a day to day java programmer to improve his programming. Here are the 5 features which every Java developer should know which will save his time and improve code quality: Text Blocks If you want to define…

  • The evolution of Switch Statement up-to Java 14

    Switch expressions in java are used to evaluate results or compute logic based on different values of a particular variable.This post looks at the evolution of switch statements up-to Java 14. Until Java 7 only integers could be used in switch case and this had been the standard for a long time: And then strings…

  • How to authenticate a user when both offline and online in Angular?

    I am developing an offline first angular app using Pouch DB and Couch DB . The end user is a desktop user who wants to use the app even when not connected to the internet. I am using Pouch DB for local database and Couch DB for remote database. One of the difficulties in developing…

  • How to build Immediately Invoked Function Expressions in Javascript?

    While I was exploring how to retrieve results from an asynchronous function in Angular , I stumbled upon a solution where the developer had used IIFE to retrieve the result : It looked like this : This was confusing at first. But after exploring IIFE the above code made sense. First lets deep dive into…

  • How to check user inactivity in Angular?

    Lets say you want to alert the user if they remain inactive for a long time. Or you want to log the user out if they are inactive for a long time. How can you do that in angular? The below algorithm can be followed to achieve that: STEP 1: Define user inactivity : User…

  • How to update a pouch db document through Angular?

    I start this post assuming you know how to integrate pouch db with angular . If not please refer this post : (How to integrate pouch db with angular?) Once pouch db is integrated you might want to update documents into pouch db through Angular . Here is how to do it: Step 1: Retrieve…

  • How to search documents in Pouch DB through Angular, based on specific field?

    Through Mango queries. Pouch DB supports the feature of querying documents based on field values through a separate plugin and calls this feature as ‘Mango queries’. So the first step to avail this feature is to install it : Assumption : you have already installed pouch db and able to save documents( Refer :…

  • How to retrieve values from a Promise in Angular?

    I was trying to fetch values from Pouch DB through Angular , based on specific attribute values , say “fetch all records with the name ‘Vijay’”. I faced a difficulty in doing it. Pouch DB has a neat API pouchdb.find() which returns a Promise and not the actual result. It is an asynchronous method. The…