• How to connect to database from a REST API?

    How to connect to database from a REST API?

    Web applications store data in a database. Doing so , data is stored permanently somewhere so that you can process it later. Even if your application server goes down , you still have the data in your database. Spring makes it easy to connect to any database. You require very minimal code to do this.…

  • How to create a REST API in Spring Boot?

    How to create a REST API in Spring Boot?

    Let’s say you want to create an ecommerce store. And you want to expose REST APIs to the end users to do CRUD(Create, Read , Update and Delete) operations on your store items. You can do this with minimal effort in Spring Boot. Let’s create the REST APIs. Creating a REST API in Spring Boot…

  • Different ways to call REST APIs in Spring Boot without additional libraries

    Different ways to call REST APIs in Spring Boot without additional libraries

    In today’s world most modern web apps talk to each other through HTTP APIs. REST API is a popular standard for these HTTP APIs. So calling a REST API from your backend app is a critical functionality. Spring Boot provides multiple abstractions to do this in a simple way. Here are five different ways: Using…

  • How to create HTTP/REST APIs using AWS Serverless framework?

    How to create HTTP/REST APIs using AWS Serverless framework?

    HTTP/REST APIs have become the defacto standard of communication between most web applications. You can create an API and deploy it on a server or on the cloud or go serverless . To go serverless you can use a tool like AWS lambda. And to ease the development and deployment of AWS lambda you can…

  • Rest API vs HTTP API – Are your REST APIs really REST APIs?

    Let’s say you want to create a REST API using a framework like Spring Boot. You create a class annotated with @RestController. And then you create APIs using @RequestMapping/@GetMapping/@PostMapping annotation. Are these really REST APIs? No. They are just HTTP APIs. What is the difference between the two? HTTP is one of the ways information…