• Documenting your REST API’s in Spring Boot

    Documenting your REST API’s in Spring Boot

    Let’s say you have created a bunch of REST APIs. And now your client wants to use these REST APIs. They want to call a few APIs and use the response. How do you share the information with them? How many REST APIs does your application have? What are they? What is a sample request…

  • How to protect REST API using Basic Authentication?

    How to protect REST API using Basic Authentication?

    REST APIs are one of the primary means of communication between different apps in modern web applications. Anyone can send a request to a public REST API and get a response. This poses security risk. We need only legitimate users to hit our REST APIs and get the information they need. We can do this…

  • How does OAuth 2.0 work?

    Let’s say you have created an API. You want to protect it. There are so many ways to do so. And one of the most efficient way to do is to protect it using OAuth 2.0. As oauth0.com explains: OAuth 2.0 is a protocol that allows a user to grant limited access to their resources on…