Tag: 100daysofblogging

  • How to implement Observer pattern in Java?

    Let’s say my blog is gaining popularity. A lot of people want to be updated with my posts. And let’s assume that my current blog platform doesn’t provide this option. So I am writing an application to update my followers. For now I am considering two types of followers: Email Followers WhatsApp Followers Whenever I…

  • How to implement State Pattern in Java?

    Let’s say you run an eCommerce store. You want to develop an application to run your eCommerce. You are specifically concerned about the delivery of order items. When a customer places an order it goes through many different states: Order is received Order is packed Order is shipped Order is in transit Order is delivered…

  • How to communicate between two components in Angular through template reference?

    Angular allows component interaction in five ways: Through @Input annotation , a parent component can pass its values to a child component Through @Output annotation , a child component can pass its values and event to a parent component Through services, a child component can subscribe to events of the parent. Through template reference ,…